#GNE2020 Classifica Fascia Grandi, Senior e Internazionale



3° vincitore ex aequo

Sul clima nessuno ha la verità in tasca…

di Sofia Stopponi, 17 anni, del liceo scientifico G. Alessi di Perugia

Sofia Stopponi

3° vincitore ex aequo

Negazionisti fantastici e dove trovarli

di Maria Luisa Orlandi, 17 anni, del liceo scientifico G. Alessi di Perugia

Maria Luisa Orlandi

2° vincitore ex aequo

Le (non) innocenti bugie del web

di Giorgia Soriani, 16 anni, del liceo scientifico G. Alessi di Perugia

Giorgia Soriani

2° vincitore ex aequo

Cambiamento climatico, bufale e piromani

Di Gabriele Roscini e Giorgia Soriani, 16 anni, del liceo G. Alessi di Perugia

Gabriele Roscini

1° vincitore ex aequo

Coronavirus e le sue fake

di Valerio Bucciaglia, 16 anni, di Pomezia

Valerio Bucciaglia

1° vincitore ex aequo

Quando il consenso unanime degli scienziati non basta

di Manuela Tugliani, 16 anni, del liceo scientifico G. Alessi di Perugia

Manuela Tugliani

Menzione speciale

Resilienza, la miglior arma per affrontare i cambiamenti climatici e ambientali

di Valentina Diani, Alessandra Orza e Greta Brigati, 17 anni, del Liceo G.M Colombini di Piacenza

Valentina Diani


3° vincitore

La bufala del cambiamento climatico

di Elisa Pompili, 14 anni, di Perugia

Elisa Pompili

2° vincitore

Junkbuster, l’aspirarifiuti

Video della II B del liceo N. Pizi di Palmi (RC), coordinamento Maria Anile

Giulia Tornatora

1° vincitore

WI-FI, il silenzioso boia del pianeta

Di Simone Fezzuoglio e Emanuele Santoro, 16 anni, del liceo G. Alessi di Perugia

Simone Fezzuoglio


3° vincitore

“In cammino verso la perfetta resilienza”

video della II A del liceo N. Pizi di Palmi, coordinamento Maria Anile

Maria Giulia De Santis

2° vincitore ex aequo

Giornale della Resilienza

di Giacomo Fadda, 17 anni, IV liceo scientifico G. Galilei di Macomèr (NU), coordinamento M. Antonietta Galizia

2° vincitore ex aequo

Una finestra sul mondo

di Martina Francesca Bello, 16 anni, di Voghera

Martina Bello

1° vincitore 

Ora o mai più

di Erica Angelini e Giulia Apicella, 16 anni, in rappresentanza della classe di cinematografia del Liceo Bruno Touschek di Grottaferrata, referenti Luca Piermarteri e Daniela Boccuti

Giulia Apicella


1° vincitore 

La filosofia dell’ambiente

video della III A del liceo N. Pizi di Palmi (RC), referente Maria Anile

Linda Novella Oliveiro


3° vincitore 

Green is the new black

di Maddalena Binda, 25 anni, di Carate Brianza (MB)

Maddalena Binda

2° vincitore 

Torino: da Motore per il Paese, a Città Avamposto per il Futuro.

di Alessio Richiardi, 28 anni, di Pinerolo (To)

Alessio Richiardi

1° vincitore 

Il pangolino untore? L’allarme della biodiversità

di Gabriele Ripandelli, 20 anni, di Perugia

Gabriele Ripandelli


2° vincitore ex aequo

Ocean Pollution (2C)

by II C, secondary school – Istituto Erodoto – Corigliano Calabro (Italy) coordination by Adalgisa Perri

Rebecca Scarcella

2° vincitore ex aequo

Ocean Pollution (2D)

by II D, secondary school – Istituto Erodoto – Corigliano Calabro (Italy) coordination by Adalgisa Perri

Cosimo Meringolo 

Sezione Internazionale

1° vincitore ex aequo

Arago à la Une

giornale e video della scuola Primaria Arago di Boulogne sur Mer, coordinamento Hélène Duval

1° vincitore ex aequo

In the eyes of the future

by Greta Romualdi, 14 years old – Siena (Italy)

Greta Romualdi

In the eyes of the future

by Greta Romualdi, 14 years old – Siena (Italy)

Resilience, the new trend. Every year we come across trends in fashion, in art, in music but also in language and in the terms we use. The new 2020 term is resilience which is currently fundamental for Planet Earth to recover from our disasters. But what does resilience really mean? Resilience is the velocity in which a biotic environment can regain its power and return back to its original status. In Cambodia, at the Angkor Wat temple trees started growing on top of the ruins making the sacred temple nearly disappear under the stateliness of trees. Nature is trying to make us go back, it’s using all the power it has to restore what we did and try to make it vanish. However, our mistakes have gone further than anyone can imagine, the problem is that not even nature can resolve the things we have done. So it is time for us to apply our learning and understanding of technology in order to make this planet live again.

Bees, the good old bees have been disappearing lately and are dying at a breath taking rate. In the six years leading up to 2013, more than 10 million bee colonies across the world were lost, and that is nearly twice the normal rate of loss. “According to the Bee Informed Partnership’s latest survey, released this week, U.S. beekeepers lost nearly 40% of their honeybee colonies only last winter” describes Susie Neilson. Bees are dying of CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder). We are waiting for a sign from nature showing resilience one again towards the bees but this is not happening. If bees were to extinct so would the entire human species. We are intelligent, very intelligent, extraordinarily intelligent animals who learned how to use their brains also in a good way.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is constantly being used around us. Our phones, our laptops and what we consider as being everyday normal life is composed of AI. Now, let’s talk about it. Is it good? Is it bad? Well, we still do not know where it is going to go. Right now, AI is considered to be easy and obvious in comparison to what will be going on in 30 years’ time. However, we have found one very small but efficient way to remedy the errors that we have done, in other words using AI to create the new bees. The new bees are mini drones created in the form of a bee which can pollinate the flowers and distinguish which flower has already been pollinated or not. The wings of the robotic DelFly which is one type of Artificial intelligence bee beat 17 times per second, to generate the lift needed to stay airborne and control its flight through small adjustments in their wing motion. The researchers asked why a fly was so difficult to swat and looked to reproduce the insect’s evasive technique. The robot-bees can hover on the spot, fly in any direction, and even flip 360 degrees around pitch or roll axes. Moreover, these bees are completely solar powered and they recharge effectively in 50 minutes for a flight autonomy up to 18 hours. Their predators are strictly pre-identified. When they see their wasp predators they release a small amount of fast acting insecticide. This has no secondary effects on humans and its proven after clinical tests on a sample of 4000 people aged 12-65. These bees require minimum maintenance and the creators of the robot-bees have included the friendly creature safety feature of NBIOS2 (2nd Generation New Bees operating system). So many good feature but where are the bad? Well, we still do not know because AI is like a black hole, we still do not know how to use it perfectly.

However, now it is our turn as the new generation to spread awareness about the new bees and help the world to implement them in our daily lives. Nature knows everything, it knows how to cure itself, how to help us, how to restore itself and even how to apply resilience. On the other hand, we need to help nature with inventions like the robot-bees. This is because in some cases nature cannot go back to its original form. Nature has always cured and helped itself to go back to its original status, but we need to help it. We are part of nature, we are animals which learned how to adapt to their environment, but we are selfish and greedy. Now it’s time to help nature and activate the robot bees. It has now become a sort of tradition to put in my articles “we can make a change”. This time, we can. We really can. We can thanks to the brilliant minds behind the creation of Artificial intelligence. We can because we want to help nature. It is time for us to put down our phones, our laptops, our smartwatches and TV’s and stop, stop for a second and think. Think about what we can do to help and how we can help. We can make a change. We have to make a change.

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Undercover details

By Greta Romualdi, 14 years old – Siena (italy)

We need to stop global warming now, said once a man. Actually, at least four billion people said it. We are humans who have the ability of thinking and reflecting on mistakes we do. However as the years have passed we have become more and more intelligent and more ignorant at the same time. We are oxymoron, everything we do is an oxymoron, our life is an oxymoron. If a person says something, everybody says it. We are greedy, we always want to reach the top, but there is no top anymore. We always want to be like someone who inspires us, therefore if that person does or says something, we do it. This is the base of fake news. But what is actually fake news, and why does it exist? No one has the answer. Everyone chooses an answer to the definition of fake news, everybody adapts to what for them fits best. This is what fake news means: the creation of fake information.

Nowadays, fake news regarding agriculture and food has become progressively more popular. Some people say that palm oil is not actually harmful, others say it is devastating our world… so to who should we actually agree? The mistake we do now is that we believe. We believe in everything people tell us. We were taught to believe. And now, we teach to believe. Big companies such as Vape give us an excuse for using fertilisers “we need DDT, because the population is growing so fast and plants so slowly, it is not harmful.” WRONG! We are humans who have a wonderful gift: the possibility of thinking and having ideas and opinions. We should stop believing in everything and everyone. We can be capable of understanding that these companies are fooling us to gain money. We have to be careful and help each other.

DDT: “a synthetic organic compound used as an insecticide.” This is the most common definition, of a normal encyclopaedia on internet. The word: “synthetic” implies the danger and the damage this fertiliser causes to our wonderful home. The problem we face now is our population, and how fast it is growing. Many people think DDT is not bad because it actually helps us to not die of starvation. If it saves our lives, it ruins other ones. Bees are the most affected insect by DDT. If the whole species of bees were to extinct we would die, every single one of us would suffer a slow and painful death. In order for plants to reproduce they need pollen which is brought by bees. When we spray fertilisers we are restricting this process from happening, therefore leading us to death. I personally think it is really important to use the plural in these occasions. This is because “we” are a group of people and we work together; therefore, if one of us does something wrong we are wrong. We are all the cause of the destruction of the Earth. No matter if you are the best person in the world, you definitely have done something which has contributed to the elimination of the Earth.

Fake News has now played a massive role in our daily routines. Even if we don’t realise, we are reading and sharing fake information constantly. 82% of Italians are not able to recognize a fake news, shows the Infosfera Survey of 2018 (by the University of Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples, Italy). This is a major problem because there are some people who believe in what they read and they can be emotionally and physically involved in something “fake”. Furthermore, the problem is still to come. Agriculture has been massively impacted by fake news because many people benefit of the ignorance of others. The environment and agriculture has to deal with the effects of fake news. The problem is that some people believe in what they read or watch and therefore might use it in the agriculture. The damage being caused is not only to us, humans but also to the ecosystems. It is not just a matter of killing bees; we also suffer of the causes of what people include in what we eat.

Once again what can we do in front of things that seem bigger than us? We should consider true and useful information in order to better utilize the limited resources we have on our planet and produce more food. There is a very antique remedy which can save us from the cruelty of fertilisers such as DDT. This can also save us from the dangers of fake news regarding agriculture. Not many people are aware of a unique method originally born in Bangkok, Thailand, inspired by the natural process of fermentation. A lady named Sornwan Sirisuntharin, better known as Pa Cheng started to use what is called Fervida. She comes from a very poor family that did not even have the money to give her an education. Unfortunately, when she was older she got really sick and she was about to die. Her family tried really hardly to cure her, she saw every type of doctor, but there was no cure for her illness. The family of Pa Cheng used to create fruit ferments for agricultural use. So an idea sparked in her mind, “if these ferments are so good for agriculture they might cure me”. As the days passed, the lady started assuming little doses of these ferments. She started to get better and better, until she completely eradicated her illness. Fervida is a concentration of good bacteria and microorganisms. She started using them more and more for agriculture and what she noticed was a great growth in the plants. Fervida can be prepared with any type of fruit or vegetable added with sugar which helps the fermentation. It has been proved that Fervida produces extremely powerful antioxidant compounds useful for our health and agriculture and can be a revolutionary type of fertilizer which is eco-friendly in every sense. This is why it is really important for people to start learning more about this incredible method of agriculture. This can help the destruction of fake news on DDT, since it is a new way of growing things.

A sixteen-year-old girl named Greta Thunberg once said “Our house is on fire…” And it really is. This is why we, the new generation and all the generations to come have to do something. In every article I write I say “you can make a change” I would like to be able to say that this time it is true. But it is not. The only thing I can say is that “We can make a change”. We are a social animal that tends to stay in packs like wolves do. However, things have changed and people got more and more greedy and selfish. This is the right time for us to go back to our origins and make things change. We need to stop fake news. We can stop fake news.

The future of tomorrow

by Greta Romualdi, 12 years old (Siena, Italy)

the-future-of-tomorrow_foto_greta-romualdi_1519644875911_bis“I have a dream” said once a man called Martin Luther King . But I really do have a dream and my dream is that there will be no more global warming or pollution or no extinction of polar bears. I have to admit that I am lucky. The sustainability report of my house is great. But think for a moment, how many balance sheets are really balanced? My family and I manage to have low consumption of energy because of the LED lights that are on only if needed, and the heating we use is definitely environmental friendly. Thanks to great fixtures on the windows our house is energy efficient and we do not suffer the cold. Living in the countryside gives me the permission to have a vegetable garden which cuts down the cost of buying vegetables. The food waste that we create gets given to the animals we have. So food waste does not exist at my house because everything gets reduced, reused and recycled. As you may know recycling is essential as Leonardo di Caprio says: “certain people are going to be vilified for not taking action….” It is really true, if we do not recycle, we the new generation have to make a change, we have to help the polar bears and the monkeys in the Amazon rainforest to survive. Even if we are in Italy we can make a change. I recycle everything and try to separate objects in order that they get thrown in the correct bin. We seed wheat in order to make our own bread so that we cut down the cost of buying bread.
Knowledge is important to act differently. I found a way of calculating how many kg of carbon dioxide emissions we create. I do 500km a week only to go to school and I found out that the emissions my car has are 113g of CO2 per kilometre. So just to go to school the emissions of carbon dioxide of my car are 56,5kg per week. That is mind-blowing and I feel so horrible. I am sorry that we put profit above people and use nature as a credit card. I did not think that only one person could pollute this much. A bus produces 300g of CO2 every kilometre. If a bus does 1,000km in one week to take to school 10 kids, the total will be 300,000g, so 300kg of CO2 per week. If my school organizes a school bus that would already reduce lots of emissions of carbon dioxide.
Now, my house sustainability reports is really excellent, but let’s compare it to one of a huge factory like Nike. That is totally different, my family and I can help the environment but what about a Nike factory which is 40 times bigger than my house? So what can we do? We should contact these factories and show them statistics to let them know what really is the situation. For centuries atmospheric carbon dioxide had never been above a certain line, a certain level. Now it is above that line and that level. This should make us understand that we as individuals can make a change but it’s the big, humongous factories that have to realise their sustainability report and how environmental unfriendly they are. A meat industrial factory, do you know how polluting it is? Cows are lovely animals but they devastate our planet. When cows fart they release an enormous amount of methane. Methane is one of the causes of global warming. When I say the words climate change nobody really thinks of cows. People think of carbon dioxide, cars and pollution. We should be careful with cows because they can be as lovely as dangerous. Industrial factories that produce cow meat give the cows a special food that is called pellet that makes them gain weight quickly so that farmers can sell more meat. This type of food makes them fart more and that means more methane released. To make only one hamburger we need 660 gallons of water which are equivalent to two months of our showering. So not only it creates global warming but also a lot of water is wasted. The UCS (Union of concerned Scientists) explains that the industrial meat factories in America represent the 6% of the emissions of greenhouse gases in the United States; this is the emission of 24million cars.
If the cows stopped eating pellet but started eating more natural plants such as grass, their emission of methane would be much lower. So all we should do is let the poor cows eat their natural food instead of chemical things.
Two very famous Italian factories that produce animal made products such as yogurt are Alce Nero and Mila. Basically these industries tried to improve their sustainability report. What these factories did is they made cows eat only the grass of the mountains of Alto Adige, so the emissions of methane created by cows was reduced. They managed to produce a yogurt that was more ecological than before. With this idea all yogurt companies should take action and try to do the same thing too. Eating only grass instead of pellet containing cereals, soy and antibiotics the cows produce less milk because they have less energy but at least this helps the planet. This is also good for the health of people eating yogurt because they will not assume part of the antibiotics that are in the cow’s body. If we really wanted to make a huge change, we should all convert to being vegetarian or vegan because only that would clean the air and help the Earth.
We should sustain the company in which Leonardo di Caprio invested, it is called the Beyondmeat, the hamburgers are totally vegetarian but they contain a mix of proteins such as beans, beets and coconut oil. All these ingredients are very similar to the proteins that the meat gives us so the body has no problem.
All these factories try to improve their sustainability report. Try to improve yours too. Everything links like the umbilical cord that linked us and our mother. We are the new generation; we have to make a change as individuals and communities. Remember if we do not act the next generation will not see the beauty of the Earth because everything will be destroyed. You can make a change.