When you pick the wrong block everything topples

by Greta Romualdi, 11 years old (Siena, Italy)


Well, in this moment, in this place and in our world, we are humans which have a colossal responsibility. If we have been made to have this responsibility, we should respect it. In my case I have been lucky because I was brought up in a family that always respected this. What you are asking yourself is what is it? I am going to answer you by saying that it is recycling. I want to be able to explain what we humans did and are doing to take action about this case.

Most of the people in our world are aware of recycling but not all know how to take part in helping to do it. You might think that ancient civilisations did not recycle. I will tell you that you are wrong because people in the past recycled loads of things and materials but differently from the ones we do now.

A conference at the University of Tel Aviv compared forty experts of all around the world. This lifestyle was born more than a million years ago and actually started only seven hundred thousand years later. Homo Erectus and Neanderthal thought in green before anything. From old and broken tools or useless one they built new tools saving time and energy.

CHIIP!!! and Global Warming

di Greta Romualdi, 10 anni, di Moteroni d’Arbia (SI)

Almost every day an article or a story about Global Warming and climate change is written and published, but apparently everybody is still far from understanding the real entity of the problem and nearly nobody is taking action in order to improve the situation and reduce the impact of its life on climate changes.

CHIP!! and Global WarmingIn order to finish the primary years programme at my school, the International School of Siena, my class had to do a project and I choose Global Warming and Climate Change because among my class mates nobody knew about it and nobody cared. I did a lot of research, analysed graphs and charts and I made interviews and questionnaires to roughly 50 people including children and adults and found out that even if a lot of them are worried about this problem, just few are doing something to change the situation.

Climate Change and Global Warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased level of Carbon Dioxide, CFCs and other pollutants. Global Warming occurs because humans burn fossil fuels in order to create energy, but they do not think of what the causes will be, so they create Global Warming. And also humans cut down trees – that is called deforestation – but trees breathe Carbon Dioxide and with less trees Carbon Dioxide will unlikely reduce. So the main cause of Global Warming is Carbon Dioxide.

Because of this, Earth is getting hotter and hotter even if we can’t really see the difference. Since 1900 the world has warmed up by around 0.8°C. By the end of the 21st century Global Warming is likely to increase in the Earth’s temperature of around 2-5°C. There is a 75% chance of a 2-3° warming and a 50% chance of a 5° warming. Scientists think and agree that it is going to be a 3°C warming. Winters are getting shorter and mid seasons are disappearing.

When winters are shorter, birds lay eggs in spring earlier. As an example the North American tree swallow lays its eggs nine days earlier than it did 40 years ago. Studies in Europe and North America found out that some migratory birds arrive to their destination about 10 to 12 days earlier than before. All these changes could mean that there is not enough food for every animal.

Climate change affects a lot on migratory birds because they get confused when they have to migrate. So lots of birds arrive before than they used to do a long time ago and they eat all seeds that other birds should eat so that they get extinct because they do not have any more food.

But if the human being can move and adapt elsewhere, what will it happen to animals? Without mid seasons, migratory animals which have their life dependent on season changes, how will they do? Bird habits are changing and migratory ones are really confused, at least younger animal. Experts report that every year flights are anticipated and the main cause is exactly climate changes. Oldest birds keep on having the same habit reaching their destination as usual, younger birds anticipate by more than a month. We assist to a clear acceleration in biological rhythms and young birds reach the perfect shape to face their long journey one month in advance. We actually do not need scientists to discover and monitor this.

I am lucky because I live in a wonderful area in Tuscany, where there is no pollution, there is a lot of green and life is good.

But every year I used to see big storm of birds, group of ducks or herons periodically flying above my head, and today I see them only occasionally. Until two years ago a stork regularly came to my garden to stay for a while and to eat some of the red fishes in my fountain, but I do not see it anymore. Which is good for the red fishes living in the tub, but I begun wondering why. Sometimes it happens to me to see weird coloured birds through my windows. Looking at them closely they are little parrots! The first time I saw them I could not believe it, then I had to convince myself. One of them is so fond of bread crumbs I leave him every morning on my window sill that he became a friend of mine and I gave him the name Chip!

Also interviewing hunters in my area, they say that during the last 2/3 years it is very difficult to see woodcock (a type of bird), or if you see one it is in the wrong period of the year when hunting is forbidden. This is good to me because I do not like hunters killing animals, but it is very bad because it means something is really changing.

It is not just a matter of timing, some migratory birds are following different routes, and for some of them this is a disaster because they do not find the ideal conditions to reproduce or survive.

On top of these, extreme phenomena such drought or floods occur more frequently causing disasters for all animals, sometimes even killing some species as well reported by WWF.

So steps to reduce Global Warming and what we kids could do are:

·        Plant more trees like ask mum or dad if they can plant more little trees

·        Reduce, reuse and recycle

·        Use less hot water

·        Turn off electronic devices when not in use

·        Spread the awareness

·        If there is a school bus, it is better using it rather everyone taking its own car using less fossil fuels

I think they will work and all children should take action to make understand powerful men governing our countries that we are the future and this is our planet, with our animals, and we all do not want they will disappear and we prefer they can live healthy in harmony with human being for a better future.

For adults it is all an economic matter, but at 10 years old when I hear such things I wonder why they do not take care of children interest that will be adult in the future.

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Ecology and education

Ecologia e sistemi, come salvare la terra.

Turning waste into a work of art. This is the motivation behind an interesting initiative this February involving the year seven boys and girls of Casa della Ghianda International School, Giorgia Natalizia, Matilde Angeloni, Agathe Michel, Andrea Maugeri, Leonardo Silani, Filippo Antinori (coordinated by Lara Lioce).

We have transformed rubbish into art, collecting material from the shores of Lake Bracciano, to create a sculpture in the shape of a swan to then exhibit at anchor in the very same lake; furthermore, we sang a song of nature, composing melodies and rhymes for a song on the theme of ecology; our goal is to launch a universal message of love for the Earth.

Testo Servizio Giornalistico Year 7
Trasformare i rifiuti in opera d’arte. Questo è lo spunto di un’interessante iniziativa che nel mese di febbraio ha coinvolto i ragazzi della prima media della scuola internazionale La Casa della Ghianda. Abbiamo trasformato l’immondizia in arte, raccogliendo del materiale dalle rive del Lago di Bracciano e abbiamo così creato una scultura a forma di cigno ancorandola nel bacino; inoltre, abbiamo cantato la natura, componendo in rima e creando una melodia per un brano musicale sul tema dell’ecologia; il nostro obiettivo è lanciare un messaggio universale di amore per la Terra.
Studiando gli ecosistemi e l’ecologia abbiamo appreso quanti danni vengono causati all’ambiente dalle attività umane e siamo rimasti profondamente colpiti dai tanti, veri e propri oltraggi verso la natura che tutti i giorni vengono perpetrati in ogni angolo del mondo. Abbiamo per questo realizzato l’importanza del riutilizzo dei materiali destinati alla spazzatura, ancor di più del riciclo. Il riciclo infatti causa il deterioramento dell’ecosistema perché le industrie, trasformando i materiali, rilasciano scarti e gas tossici mentre il riutilizzo domestico e scolastico nel nostro caso, permette di non prelevare altre materie prime dalla Terra. Abbiamo semplicemente voluto trovare un modo alternativo per convertire la spazzatura in qualcosa di bello e artistico, operando quindi nel rispetto della natura ed esprimendo il nostro messaggio universale attraverso le rime della nostra canzone chiamata La natura porta felicità.

Interviews / Year 7 class
Why have you created a sculpture in a shape of a swan?
Giorgia: Because it represents beauty. We want to show everyone that it is possible to turn rubbish into something useful and beautiful.
Who had the idea?
Andrea: One of our classmates had the idea and we immediately liked it.
What kind of materials did you use to make the swan?
Filippo: We used the materials collected from the shores of the very same lake, like bottles and styrofoam.
How did you write the song La natura porta felicità? Which melody inspired you?
Leonardo: We wrote it together with our Music Teacher’s support and by following our feelings.
Interviews / President of Girovelando Sailing Association
What do you think about this project?
Amodei: I think it is a project that can help children like you to be sensitive to nature.
Why do you support this initiative?
Amodei: We support it because as a Sailing Association we think that sailing could be a way to respect the environment.
Interview / Laccisaglia and Pellitteri: Infostress Cultural Association
What do you think about this project?
Laccisaglia: I think it is an important activity that helps children to socialise and effectively learn new things together by respecting the environment.
Why do you support this initiative?
Pellitteri: Because we think that this kind of project allows you to practically in experiment what it means to socialise, to respect nature and it helps to give you a personal responsibility enjoying freedom and creativity, on the subject of life and well-being.

Conclusione e commento
In fondo la nostra speranza, è che questo cigno diventi presto un esempio per altri ragazzi, che come noi vogliono cambiare le cose partendo dai piccoli gesti. E riutilizzare le cose è come donare a loro una seconda vita.

cod. conc. 2002114803

Je suis haute comme trois pommes, mais je suis hors du commun

Sono alta come un soldo di cacio ma sono OLTRE misura
Je suis haute comme trois pommes, mais je suis hors du commun

Chloe 3 anni e mezzo, nata a roma, vive in francia da qualche mese.
E’alta come un soldo di cacio, come si dice a roma, ma oltre le apparenze ci sa proprio fare con gli ingredienti in cucina. Eccola in un album per gne9

Chloe 3 ans et demi, nee a’ rome, vit en france depuis quelques mois. Elle est haute comme trois pommes mais ca n’empeche pas qu’elle se debrouille tres bien en cuisine. La voici dans un album pour gne9:

disdacalie: Il suffit d’un oeuf pour 100 gr de farine, un peu de sel et d’huile pour fairedespâtesauxoeufs
basta 1 uovo per 100gr di farina, un po di sale e olio per fare la pasta all’uovo
Il suffit d’un peu de farine, desoeufs, dulait, dubeurre, dusucreet un peu de sel pour faire de bonnes brioches pour le petit déjeunerdeschampions!
Basta un po di farina, delle uova, latte, burro, zucchero e un pizzico di sale per fare delle buonissime brioche per la colazione dei campioni!
Mi aiuta papà e mi fotografa mamma. Sono piccola ma sono la regina della cucina.
Poi, le uova, il latte e il burro vengono dalla fattoria vicino a casa!
Una fattoria riconosciuta con un suo marchio chiamato “Prodotto in fattoria”.
Mon papa m’aide et maman me prend en photo. Je suispetite mais je suis la reine de la cuisine.
En plus, lesoeufs, le laitet lebeurreviennent de la ferme qui se trouveprès de cheznous!
Une ferme labellisée “Produit à la ferme”

Buon appettito!
Bon appétit!

cod. 0803164613