Bottom-up awareness for a collective change(11670)
lunedì, marzo 17th, 2014 (11670)Arianna Agostini, 27 anni, Grottaferrata
Carola Demarchi, 27 anni, Torino
Maria Fatima Mudoni, 27 anni, Parabita (Lecce)
Our reportage comes from a two-month period spent in Joal-Fadiouth, Senegal, a small
island in the south of Dakar, for a research project with the purpose of redefine the current
system, in social and environmental terms, on the base of systemic design.
The entire project considered the centralization of the people and the social and cultural
respect as foundations for a collective change.
The inhabitants, photographed here, were the starting point of the whole project. Continuous
fight for survival, perpetual trait of senegalese people, lays the foundation for a
change toward a greater environmental consciousness, in order to reach a way of living
more harmonious and sustainable.
We see men, women and children that collaborate everyday together, as a community, for a
better future.
Change is constantly sought through teamwork and collaboration.
Change is life, and we lived the best of it.
We’ve walked its streets, over and over again, until we felt them a little bit ours.
We’ve known the names of its people, traveled on its coastline, witnessed, with amazement
and reverence, its celebrations, its traditions.
The chant of the Muezzin and the bleat of the goats in the street are sounds that will
remain sculpted in our memories, as the smells, the colors and the smiley faces of the
people, with the hope, someday, to be a part of this wonderful equipage.